The Avail Programming Language


A float — that is, an IEEE 754 single-precision floating point number — is an approximation of a real number. The representation uses 32 bits, organized as 1 sign bit, 23 bits of mantissa, and 8 bits of exponent. Finite float values range from -3.40282347e+38 to 3.40282347e+38. The closest to zero nonzero float values are ±1.40239846e-45. Positive zero (0.0) and negative zero (-0.0) are considered distinct. Infinities are supported, but indicate an overflow of representational limits (rather than ±∞). Some values are NaNs. No two differing NaN encodings are considered equal.

In Avail, a literal float comprises one or more decimal digits, then a full stop . (U+002E) and fractional part, then optional exponential notation — an E (U+0045)or e (U+0065)followed by one or more decimal digits — and finally f (U+0066). Examples include 1.0, 0.1, 0.0025, 2.5E-3, 2500.0, 2.5E3, and 3.141592653589793. Literal floats are defined by the macros "…#.…#«f»?", "…#.…#…", and "…#.…#e|E«+|-»!…#«f»?".

The float type is provided only for interoperation with the Java programming language. Use of float values is generally discouraged; prefer double values whenever possible.

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