

integer, integer
Source: /avail/Avail/Foundation/Tuples
Categories: Tuples, Constructors
Construct and answer a tuple that contains the consecutive integers from start (inclusive) up to end (inclusive), counting up by 1. If end < start, then answer the empty tuple.
Position Name Type Description
1 start integer The first value of the resulting tuple.
2 end integer The last value of the resulting tuple.
Returns integer* The interval from start (inclusive) up to end (inclusive).
character, character
Source: /avail/Avail/Foundation/Tuples
Categories: Tuples, Constructors
Construct and answer a string that contains the consecutive characters from start (inclusive) to end (inclusive). If start 's code point ≤ end 's code point, then result[i]'s code point < result[i+1]'s code point; otherwise, result[i]'s code point > result[i+1]'s code point.
Position Name Type Description
1 start character The first value of the resulting tuple.
2 end character The last value of the resulting tuple.
Returns character* The interval from start (inclusive) up to end (inclusive).

Semantic restrictions:

integer's type, integer's type
Source: /avail/Avail/Foundation/Tuples
Leverage the uncertainty of start to produce good leading types when the upper bound of the result's cardinality can be determined.
Type Description
Parameter Types
integer's type
integer's type