

double, double
Source: /avail/Avail/Foundation/Math
Categories: Mathematics, Numbers
Calculate the logarithm of the specified number to the specified base.
Position Name Type Description
1 b double The logarithm base to use.
2 n double The number whose logarithm should be computed.
Returns double The logarithm of n to base b.
float, float
Source: /avail/Avail/Foundation/Math
Categories: Mathematics, Numbers
Calculate the logarithm of the specified number to the specified base.
Position Name Type Description
1 b float The logarithm base to use.
2 n float The number whose logarithm should be computed.
Returns float The logarithm of n to base b.
integer, integer
Source: /avail/Avail/Foundation/Late Math
Categories: Mathematics, Numbers
Calculate the logarithm of the specified number to the specified base, using double s for intermediate values.
Position Name Type Description
1 b integer The logarithm base to use.
2 n integer The number whose logarithm should be computed.
Returns double The logarithm of n to base b.