
Grammatical restrictions:

Argument Position Prohibited Expression
Argument 1 _++_


tuple, whole number
Source: /avail/Avail/Foundation/Early Tuples
Categories: Tuples, Types, Queries
Construct and answer a slice (i.e., subtuple) that begins at the start of the tuple and continues to subscript sliceEnd.
Position Name Type Description
1 aTuple tuple A tuple.
2 sliceEnd whole number The one-based end index (inclusive) of the desired slice.
Returns tuple The requested tuple.
sequence, natural number
Source: /avail/Avail/Data Abstractions/Sequences/Abstract Sequences
Categories: Data Abstractions, Sequences
Answer the requested subsequence of aSequence.
Position Name Type Description
1 aSequence sequence A sequence.
2 endIndex natural number The index of the end of the subsequence.
Returns sequence The subsequence beginning at 1 and ending at endIndex.
tuple meta, whole number
Source: /avail/Avail/Foundation/Early Tuples
Categories: Tuples, Types, Queries
Construct and answer a slice (i.e., tuple type) that begins at the start of the tuple type and continues to subscript sliceEnd.
Position Name Type Description
1 aTupleType tuple meta A tuple type.
2 sliceEnd whole number The one-based end index (inclusive) of the desired slice.
Returns tuple of any meta The requested tuple.

Semantic restrictions:

aTupleType, sliceEnd
Source: /avail/Avail/Foundation/Early Tuples
Strengthen the tuple type produced by _[.._] to the strongest possible given the argument types.
Type Description
Parameter Types
aTupleType tuple meta
sliceEnd whole number's type