
Grammatical restrictions:

Argument Position Prohibited Expression
Argument 1 _[_]


tuple, natural number, any
Source: /avail/Avail/Foundation/Bootstrap/Fallible Primitives
Categories: Primitives, Tuples, Transformers
Construct and answer a tuple based on the one provided but such that its index -th element is value.
Position Name Type Description
1 aTuple tuple A tuple.
2 index natural number The one-based index of the element that should (potentially) differ in the resultant tuple.
3 value any The replacement value.
Returns tuple The requested tuple.
subscript-out-of-bounds exception

Semantic restrictions:

tuple meta, natural number's type, any meta
Source: /avail/Avail/Foundation/Tuples
Tuple element replacement affects only those elements whose subscripts are instances of the index's type. If multiple subscripts could be affected, then update the element types via type union with the result type. If only a single subscript could be affected, then simply replace the corresponding element type with the result type. Leverage instance types if possible.
Type Description
Parameter Types
tuple meta
natural number's type
any meta